ACDO’s food security and livelihoods interventions focuses on the following: - Training communities on Good agricultural Practices (GAP) and livestock production. - Livestock vaccinations and treatment. - Commercialization of livestock for economic value. - Food Assistance and Cash Based Transfers (CBTs). - Provision of agricultural, fisheries inputs and farmer training on post-harvest handling and value addition - Market systems development including VSLAs amongst youth and women groups.
ACDO supports sustainable delivery of water, hygiene and sanitation (WASH) services to communities, through capacity building of communities within their social structures to plan, implement, operate, manage and make informed decisions for improved WASH. Since 2016, ACDO has reached over 60,000 individuals in South Sudan with improved access to WASH services. These has covered provision of safe water access points, soap and personal hygiene kits.
In line with national education goals, ACDO prioritizes access to education for children, girls, and underprivileged youths. To assist in the advancement of educational opportunities for the listed categories, ACDO has launched many educational programs, including - mobile education which involves taking education to the cattle camps, in order to give children living far away from school an opportunity to learn access education. ACDO also engages in early childhood Development which aims to nurturing children from early childhood all through to basic primary school education.
Action for Child Development aims at eradication of poverty through life-saving and life-sustaining humanitarian assistance that rehabilitates and fosters resilience. Besides, ACDO is build-up to timely respond to nutrition in emergencies and avoid further deterioration through partnerships and inclusive community-led interventions. In collaboration, coordination and coherence with other humanitarian and development actors, ACDO is determined to address humanitarian needs of returnees, IDPs, Refugees and host community in South Sudan and subsequently lay foundation for development. Malnutrition The effects of chronic malnutrition are devastating and there is limited evidence that it can be reversible. On the other hand, acute malnutrition is preventable and can be treated with the right nutrition responses. Aiming for a lasting and efficient solution to poor nutrition, ACDO undertakes multi-sectorial and integrated approach addressing causal context-specific as well as promoting multi-level response strategies, linking curative,
South Sudan's health indicators, such as infant mortality rates (IMR) and maternal mortality ratios (MMR), remain high. Many people continue to die as a result of preventable diseases in South Sudan. Bringing resources closer to the troubled population in hard-to-reach areas, as well as increasing local community capacity, continue to assist alleviate the problem. ACDO's Health program began in 2020 and is intended to provide emergency health care in close conjunction with the national MoH, SMOH, partners, and funders.
This involves deployment of peer educators to engage the youth in the camps about negative effects of cattle rustling. Through people-to-people approach ACDO is supporting the peace process in the country, strengthening the communities by enabling them to analyze complex conflict situations, identify mutual benefits & priorities and work towards accommodation of each other.
Action for Child Development has continuously been at the frontline of supporting people unexpectedly displaced through conflicts or hazards with life-saving shelter and non-food items (S/NFIs). To save lives, ACDO, provides timely and integrated multi-sectoral assistance and services to reduce acute needs amongst the most vulnerable women, men, boys, and girls. This approach contributes to the overall objective of improving access to safe and appropriate assistance.
The ACDO gender and protection sector helps and supports survivors of gender-based violence (GBV) to heal and thrive for better future. ACDO works with communities and institutions to break the cycle of violence by rolling out different kind of interventions that empowers especially girls, women and disadvantaged persons in communities.
Water, Hygiene & Sanitation
Food Security & Livelihood
Health & Nutritions
Education & Training
GBV & Child Protection
Peace building & Good Governance
Shelter/None Food items(NFI)